There are so many ways that you can help!
There are teachers nationwide who are hoping to upgrade, innovate or support their classrooms but they need your help. has a huge variety of teacher projects that you can support. There are projects designed to fight childhood obesity, enrich arts education and expand literacy. Check it out!
Are you an artist, gardener, or engineer? Those are just three of an endless list of talents that could make a school lesson more meaningful. Consider contacting your local school and looking into investing time in your community. I am also on the hunt for Mystery Readers who are guests readers in the classroom and can lead an activity or just add an element of wonder to our reading time. |
Your Neighborhood is Only as Good as Your Neighborhood School
Above you will find a short video that comes from Portland area advertising company, Wieden+Kennedy and their campaign: Good Ideas for Cities. It is a presentation and Q&A about the ways we improve our communities by improving our schools.